DDSD Online Courses
Non-Training Related Webinars, Meetings, and QA Sessions
Aggression and Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities
ANE Awareness | ANE Conciencia
ANE Awareness for Mi Via Participants | Concientización de ANE para los participantes de Mi Via
Assisting with Medication Delivery | Asistiendo con la Entrega de Medicamentos
Communication Supports Training | Soportes de Comunicación
Continuous Health & Safety Monitoring: Recognizing Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation in People With IDD
Dignity of Risk and Duty of Care, Revisited
Duty of Care and Dignity of Risk: Values Rights and Power in the Lives of People with IDD
Effective Trainer Techniques Part 1
Employer Of Record | Empleador de Record
Foundations of Sexuality | Fundamentos de la Sexualidad
General Events Reporting In Therap | Informes de Eventos Generales en Therap
Health Care Planning for Nurses
Hoarding, Binge Eating, and Tips for Encouraging Healthy Eating in IDD
How We Talk, Act, and Think About Disability | Cómo hablamos, actuamos y pensamos sobre la discapacidad
Human Rights Training Update 2021
Introduction to Guardianship | Una introducción a la tutela
Introduction to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Nursing in the NM DD Waiver
Introduction to Person-Centered Planning | Introducción a la Planificación Centrada en la Persona
Introduction to Waivers | Introducción a las Exenciones
Keys to Health | Las Claves de Salud en español
The Keys to Health has replaced the Fundamentals and Case Managers courses.
(for Direct Support Staff, Direct Support Supervisors, Service Coordinators, Case Managers and Case Manager Supervisors)
Mi Via New Consultant Orientation
Mi Via Service and Support Plan | Plan de Servicio y Soporte Mi Vía (SSP)
Neurodiversity, Neurodivergence, and New Ways of Seeing Supports
New Mexico Waiver Training Hub Tutorials
Orientation for Community Supports Coordinators (CSC)
Person-Centered Planning for Therapists and Nurses
Positive Supports Training | Capacitacion de Apoyos Positivos
Resources for Risk Management Strategies
Sleep Concerns for People with Intellectual Disability
Standard Precautions and Infection Control Basics
Subtle Signs of Illness and Injury
Supported Employment Training Across Waivers
Supports Waiver: Behavioral Service Consultation Training