The Keys to Health

The Keys to Health

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The Keys to Health has replaced the Fundamentals and Case Managers courses.

(for Direct Support Staff, Direct Support Supervisors, Service Coordinators, Case Managers and Case Manager Supervisors)

Caution: The introductions to each of these modules includes some flashing lights, which may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

DDSD Course Introduction

1 - Welcome and Introduction

2 - How To Be A Detective

3 - Epilepsy and Seizures

4 - GERD

5 - Aspiration

6 - Dehydration

7 - Constipation and Bowel Obstruction

8 - Mealtime Supports and Special Diets

9 - Infections, Skin Breakdown, Nail Care

10 - Medications

11 - Oral Health

12 - Falls and Fractures

13 - Foundations of Sexuality


Course Acknowledgements

Anthony Cahill, Ph.D.

DHPD Division Director